***EDIT: Please add a way to see a full calendar view in 2Do. I appreciate the little one that comes up from thr bottom but Im a little jealous of Fantasticals full one. It helps me get a clearer picture of what kind of tasks are coming up that I cant get with a list. ***
I am someone who needs to see things on paper, but I cant carry around my Day Designer everywhere I go. I quickly add reminders or tasks in the GTD box, organize by my categories Home/Pets/Family/Money etc then put it on paper at the end of my day. I went from AwesomeNote to Things and found that 2Do is their colorful love-child. I paid full price for the Mac version and do not regret it. I do try to use it on my laptop and iPad more than the iPhone and I have a Plus. Personally, its just easier to use visually the bigger I can see it
Two suggestions:
Make the locations part of a task user friendly: I cant tell whether or not the new place I just added went through because 2Do is showing me a complete history- have a way to hide all this please.
Due to Evernotes increasing pressure to pay for a subscription, I need an alternate app to store site passwords or general adulting account numbers and tidbits. I wish 2Do had a way to just add a simple note (not a checklist, project, or task) to a category.
Thats my schpheel. Keep the jam packed updates coming, you are doing a great job so far!
jcn98615 about 2Do - Todo List, Tasks & Notes, v3.8.2